02 Feb Open Call Winners 2023
There were more than 200 participants in our Open Calls. and the choice is increasingly difficult. The interest in POSTER Mostra is a great source of pride for us! We now announce the names of the 10 winners of OPEN CALL POSTER: Catarina Oscarinam Giovana Medeiros, Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro, João Matos, Marta Paiva, Micaela Ibarrola Nanda Gondim, Ricardo Cabra, Ricardo Ferreira and Ricardo Leandro.
In Open Call Sandeman, the 7 winners are: Alberto Faria, Enrique Flores, João G. Soares, Paulo Netto, Leonor Almeida, Rui Pinho and Titta Torres.
Thanks again to everyone who participated!
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