About This Project

Maxime Chanet




He was born in the Alps in 1988 and discovered photography at the age of thirteen. 

As a teenager, his daily life was marked by skate culture and music, which were his sources of inspiration. 

He defines his practice as “creativity born out of boredom”. Encouraged by his grandmother, who gave him his first camera, he later began a more rigorous photographic approach, while sharpening his eye.

With his bachelor’s degree in hand, he studied photography in Paris and soon became Nicolas Guerin’s photographic assistant. This first experience gave him the opportunity to discover the world of cinema and the press and to enrich his photographic technique and style.

At the same time as working on commissions, Maxime Chanet was embarking on personal projects. He is passionate about the intimacy of people and their secret lives. Every trip is an opportunity to question the invisibility of the people he meets along the way. His aesthetic stems from his passion for cinema and the beauty of normality. A photo is a frozen frame, an extract of life that allows the viewer to imagine the past and future of the individuals captured in the simplicity of their daily lives. This choice leads him to get closer to their contexts and environments, to establish an authentic atmosphere, in a relationship without filters.