About This Project

Nanda Gondim

Photographer and Artist

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Nanda Gondim is Brazilian who lives in Lisbon and uses photography as a support for her art. Her narrative transits between architecture, space, landscape, people, and documentary records. Both atmospheres are recorded to feed the viewer in different ways, perspectives, and angles, emerging a new perception of our surroundings.

In authorial projects, she seeks to intertwine the persona and the space, drawing daily inspiration from the cyclical movements of life and how we behave in the face of the changes that surround us daily. There are details and scraps of our daily life that go unnoticed. It seeks new meanings of nature, everyday life, and other dimensions of human manifestation in the world. Relying on the premise that photography can be an instrument of sensorial experimentation that transforms the one who sees and the one who expresses, based on the elements of nature and their connections with subjectivity.