About This Project

Thásya Barbosa


website | instagram


Photographer and graphic designer, Thásya Barbosa found in the click of the camera the aesthetic sensibility that happens beyond the act of capturing images.


This sensibility allows her to tell stories and (re)cognize herself via otherness, exposing her conceptual point of view through the people she portrays.


A cosmopolitan soul with the heart of a small town girl, Thásya builds her poetry by registering insurgent forms. Restless, she investigates the past and finds the future through the lens of her camera in search of perceiving her own identity.


In 2017, she worked as art director and photographer in the short film “Barbeiragem” produced with Yasmin Thayná and Géssica Justino, screened alongside an interactive installation at ‘Rider’s “Dá pra fazer” Festival.


Thásya moved to São Paulo in 2018, and had some of her art pieces selected for the exhibition “Recortes da Natureza Humana” at the Gabriel Wickbold Studio and Gallery, she also acted as a photographer dor the Lua Leça’s column in WöW Magazine’s anniversary edition, one of Barbosa’s photos received a prize by Brazil Foundation’s ‘Abrace o Brasil’ campaign, curated by The 55 Project and exhibited at events in Miami and New York.


The series ‘Vista a Minha Pele’ (“Wear My Skin”) is the unfolding of the research that began by portraying her own body experimenting with textures, layers and diverse fabrics in which discomfort and the sensation of imprisonment paradoxically generate powerful, daring and above all, libertarian photos.


A black Brazilian woman from Barra do Piraí, the countryside of Rio de Janeiro, the artist had the support of her family to venture into the big city, where she quickly made her home.


Thásya Barbosa represents a post-contemporary generation of self-taught artists with a paramount importance today, and always.