The second edition of the show, held in 2017, once again attracted the public to Marvila. This edition featured works from the Miniposter project, showcasing contributions from the artist Kruella D’Enfer alongside children from Casa Pia and Obra do Ardina. In addition to the poster exhibition, the event included an inaugural guided tour, continuing the tradition from previous years.


The POSTER Open Call offers a unique opportunity for emerging talents to showcase their work alongside established artists. In this edition, five winners were chosen from numerous participants, joining 20 invited artists in exhibiting their posters.


Meet the 25 authors of this edition, including names as Kruella D’Enfer, Jessica Walsh and Sérgio Godinho, who contributed their posters to this open-air gallery.

Partners 2017

Brands and organizations with a forward-thinking vision, closely aligned with culture, social movements, ideals, fresh emotions, new perspectives, and emerging pathways.

Here you can see and buy the posters from all the editions. The works exhibited on the streets are exclusively commercialised on our platform.


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