The OPEN CALL for POSTER 2019 is officially opened!
It is an invitation to create a poster addressed to the general public, so that people in general can also join this exhibition.
Anyone interested can participate, regardless of their artistic education, age or nationality, by submitting their proposal until May 15th.
The artwork doesn’t have to answer any particular topic, it just has to be intended to be in the form of poster.
10 artworks will be selected. The winners will get their work produced and take part in the POSTER® exhibition, side by side with an array of guest artists.
POSTER is a project authored by Departamento®.
POSTER is a public art and word exhibition which takes place on the street.
Its purpose is to pay a tribute to one of the most powerful media ever. Used to sell everything, from soaps to ideals, was the first medium in which art and advertising came together in symbiosis.
- Anyone interested can participate, regardless of their artistic education, age or nationality.
- The artwork doesn’t have to answer any particular topic, but creative images or ideas that address, implicitly or explicitly, to topics such as: religion, sports, sex, politics, health or race will not be considered, being automatically excluded.
- Only original, unpublished artworks and not currently under review nor selected by other contests will be considered. They cannot contain figures taken from the Internet, magazines, catalogues, brochures or any other kind of publication.
- Artworks developed in co-authorship will not be accepted. Participants can only submit one proposal.
- Illustrations should consider their applicability in a street poster (1500mm x 2180mm).
- Entries must be sent by email until May 15th, 2019, to departamento@de-partamento.comin jpg or tiff formats with a maximum size of 1MB. The email should also contain information regarding the participant’s name, phone number and email for further contact.
- The selected winner must send the work in an Adobe file (Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign) with dimensions/characteristics then indicated by Departamento®. The artwork will be evaluated for creativity and technique as well as the adaptation to the poster format.
- The artworks will be evaluated for their creativity and technique, as well as the adaptation to the poster format, regarding their production. The decision of the Jury is final and cannot be appealed. It will be announced by email, on 20th may 2019.
- The winners will have their artwork produced and take part in the POSTER exhibition. The winners will not be charged any costs for the display of their artworks in the exhibition. All the production and assemblage expenses will be covered by the organization.
- If the author so wishes, the selected work will be available on POSTER’s Online Store, upon agreement concluded between both parties.
- The rights to all artworks are reserved and can be used by Departamento® for the exclusive purposes of promotion and display, in the scope of any communication actions related to POSTER.
- If, after reading this regulation, doubts persist, you can contact us via email to departamento@de-partamento.com or telephone number: +351938306546.
The organization,
Departamento http://www.de-partamento.com/
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