About This Project

Valter Vinagre


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In 2006, Valter Vinagre won the Prémio Autores (Authors Prize) by Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (Portuguese Society of Authors) for “Posto de Trabalho”, a look over roadside prostitution.


It marked the photographer’s return to the road after “Pára” (2003): a series of images of places, flowers and memorials built to grieve car accidents victims.


The preference for this type of scenario doesn’t come as a surprise at all: Valter Vinagre was born and grew up with Nacional 1 road on his back, in Avelãs de Caminho, Anadia.


His work is always a reflective exercise on image itself. The language, the speech it creates is linked to the concepts of landscape, travel, the place the city occupies, and is full of meaning and purpose.